Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Climategate: Leaked docs: Heartland Institute think tank pays climate contrarians very well

Full story here at Ars, usually on Ars I recommend reading the comments thoroughly, since the comments sections on Ars often has more and deeper information than the main article, though with a controversial topic like this one, there might be more noise and less information than usual.

Seems like Ars comments are up to par, found this link on first comment

"A Swiss satellite tackles space debris"

Full story here, from News Mediacom.

Basically they are looking at grappling with debris and deorbiting it so it burns up on reentry.

I could see this maybe working for a few larger object, don't think it will be very practical for the cast majority of space debris in Earth Orbit.

IMVHO this concept would make more sense for an anti Satellite weapon.